Thursday, August 30, 2012

Friday, 8/31/2012

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Rest

WOD:  For time:
            -Kettle Swings 70#/55#
            -Ab Mat Sit Ups
            -Box Jumps 24"/18"
Post Time

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wednesday, 8/29/2012

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Bench 3 sets 10 reps

WOD:  Death By Ball Slams
             Start at 5
             Do 5 Ball slams the first minute, then 6 the second minute, 7 the third minute and so on until you cannot get the # of reps for that minute.
             So if the 5 ball slams take 10 seconds, you rest the 50 seconds and then start 6 at the start of the next minute.

Post most reps completed.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tuesday, 8/28/2012

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Squat 3 sets 10 reps

WOD:  10 Rounds
             -Run 30 Seconds
             -Rest 30 Seconds
             Try to get the same distance every round.  Push hard!  90% Effort

Post squat weight!

If the smoke is too bad and affecting your breathing, stick with strength work.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Monday, 8/27/2012

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  None

WOD:  35 minutes
            Start the music.  At the beginning of every song.
            -15 Double Unders
            -5 Strict Pull Ups
            -15 Push Ups
            -10 Knees to Elbows
            -20 Air Squats
            -For the Remainder of the song, Jump Rope Singles.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wednesday, 8/22/2012

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Rest

WOD:  3 rounds EACH for time
             -20 Hand Release Push Ups
             -7 Burpees
             -20 Box Jumps 24"/18"
             -7 Burpees
             -20 Ab Mat Sit Ups
             -7 Burpees
             -40 Double Unders
            Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

Post time for each round!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tuesday, 8/21/2012

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Barbell Lunges 5 sets 10 reps (5 each leg)
WOD:  For time
             -Knees to Elbows
             -Wall Balls 20#/10#
             -Ab Mat Sit ups
             -Squats 135# / 95#

Post Lunge Weight and time

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Monday, 8/20/2012

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Bench 3 sets 5 reps  If you got all your reps at this weight last week, add 10# if not stay at the same weight.

WOD:  AMRAP 15 minutes
             -5 Pull ups
             -5 Push ups
             -5 Chin ups
             -5 Bar dips

Post Bench Weight and # of rounds completed.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Friday, 8/17/2012

Warm Up:  2 Rounds @ warm up pace
                  -Run 400m
                  -10 Box Jumps 18"
                  -10 Air Squats
                  -10 Ab Mat Sit ups
                  -10 Push Ups
                  -10 Walking Lunge Steps

Strength:  In WOD

WOD:  5 Rounds For Time
              -20 Double Unders
              -5 Push Press 155#/105# (Power Clean the weight up to rack position)
              -20 Double Unders
              -7 Body Weight Bench Press
              -20 Double Unders
              -10 Ring Dips

Post weights used and time.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wednesday, 8/15/2012

Warm up:  Dynamic

Strength:  Rest

WOD:  3 rounds each for time
            -Run 1 mile
             Rest exactly 1/2 of total time for the mile
             Example, if it takes you 8 minutes to run the mile, rest is 4 minutes

Post time for each mile

Monday, August 13, 2012

Tuesday, 8/14/2012

Warm up:  Run 400m
                 -20 air squats
                 -10 push ups
                 -10 box jumps 18"/12"

Strength:  In Wod

WOD:  For Time and Fewest # of rounds possible
             Complete 100 Body Weight Squats
             -Start squats, when you rack the bar to break the set,
             -Run 200m

Post weight for squats and # of rounds taken to complete 100 reps.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Monday, 8/13/2012

Warm up:  Run, choice for distance, but try to get a total time of 10 minutes.  Example, washburn loop, 5 400m with rest between.

Strength:  Bench 3 sets 5 reps.  3 work sets.  You should have at least 2 warm up sets before starting your work sets, and you should have 1 finish set at the same weight as your second warm up set.

WOD:  3 rounds Not For Time
            -5 Strict Press you determine weight
            -5 Strict Pull ups
            -7 Bar dips Work on full range of motion
            -5 strict Chin ups
            -1 Hand Stand hold for max time

Post bench weight and thoughts on WOD.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Friday, 8/10/2012

Warm up:  5 rounds not for time
                  -7 air squats
                  -7 burpees
                  -5 bar dips
                  -5 box jumps 18"/12"
                  Warm up pace

Strength:  Rest

WOD:   5 rounds FOR TIME
             -5 Box Jumps 24"/18"
             -7 Pull ups
             -10 True Push ups
             -15 Ball Slams 40#/20#

Post time.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wednesday, 8/8/2012

Warm up:  Run or Ride 10 minutes

Strength:  In WOD

WOD:  5 Sets Not for time
             Do not let go of the bar during a set.
             Add weight to each set!  Work up to as heavy as possible to still complete set.
             Rest 3 minutes between each set.
             -7 Dead Lift
             -5 Hang Power Cleans
             -3 Front Squats

Letting go of the bar constitutes a Failed Set.

Post weight for each set and # of failed attempts.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Tuesday, 8/06/2012

Warm up:  Dynamic

Strength:  None

WOD:  Five Rounds for Reps
             30 seconds on 30 seconds off
             -True Push ups
             -Ab Mat sit ups
             -Pull ups
             -Double unders

So, start with push ups, do as many reps as possible in 30 seconds, then rest 30 seconds then as many reps as possible sit ups in 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds, and so on.
Keep track of reps for each exercise for each round.
Wod will take 20 minutes total.

Post total reps for each exercise!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Monday, 8/5/2012

Warm up:  3 rounds
                  -20 air squats
                  -10 push ups
                  -10 ab mat sit ups
                  -5 pull ups
                  Not for time slow it down and get loose

Strength:  None

WOD:  5 Rounds for time
             -10 squat box jumps 12"to24" / 12"to18"
             -10 Kettle swings 70#/55#
             -20 Overhead Walking lunge steps 25#/15#
             -20 Sledge Hammer Strikes 10#/8#
             -30 Wall Balls 15#/10#
             -30 GHD Sit ups

Post time!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday, 8/03/2012

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Push Press 3 sets 3 reps
                3 work sets do not count warm up sets

WOD:  AMRAP 12 Minutes
              -5 Supine Ring Pull ups
              -5 Clapping Push Ups
              -10 Kettle Swings 55# / 35#
              -10 Ab Mat Sit Ups

Post Push Press weight and rounds completed.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012