Thursday, November 12, 2009

11/13/09-Friday REST DAY

Sgt. Mark Todd & Sgt. Kimberly Munley, heroes!
Munley, shot in both legs, continues to fire at Hasan until Todd brings him down with his firearm.
Nidal Malik Hasan-Army Doctor turned Muslim Terrorist.


  1. You should change it from "Muslim" to something else. Not all Muslims are terrorists. That's NOT part of their religion. Most Muslims are as violent as American Christians, not violent.

    This is racist as hell.

  2. Perhaps not but this one was. If calling a spade a spade is racist then I also am a racist. This was a terrorist act therefore the man is a terrorist as he is also a muslim makes him a muslim terrorist. Oh and my name is Kay Von Tersch and I am not a coward that signs on as anonymous I am proud of being an american, former Naval officer and willing to call a terrorist a terrorist.

  3. Okay, how about “Islamic Extremist, Militant Muslim or Radical Islam” all three terms are widely used in the media.

    Hasan is a Muslim and a terrorist; did I state anything that was not true?

    You say my statement is racist, but you stating that, “Most Muslims are as violent as American Christians” is putting a label on American Christians and Christian’s in general, doesn’t that make you a racist too? When was the last time you saw a Christian strap on an airliner and crash it into a building?

    I take great offense to being called a racist! Especially by a hypocritical racist who hides behind the name of “anonymous.” If you don’t like what I have to say stay off of CrossFitAPE’s website, then your little political feeler won’t get hurt.

    I will/do stand and defend any American’s rights against tyranny.

    We at C.F.A. are pro-freedom of religion, pro-freedom of speech and pro-America. If you don’t like that, please leave our gym.

    How racist is “Hell” anyway?

    Peter York-owner C.F.A.

  4. Racist as HELL???? WOW!!! That whole statement is as ignorant as anything I have ever read! Please for the sake of yourself THINK a little before posting such things on OUR website! Lets just try a little logic in the situation. A: He is a Muslim. B: He IS A TERRORIST. So it should not be so racist to say he is a muslim terrorist.
    Perhaps the most troubling thing about your post is the fact that the entire post was to show tribute to 2 true heroes who put themselves in harms way to save fellow americans from an act of terrorism. Instead of seeing that and paying those two Americans tribute you find it necessary to call someone out as a racist. Talking out your ass does not impress anyone.
    I myself never got the impression that a label was being put on all Muslims in that post. I saw it for what it was; a post honoring two heroes and showing Hasan for what he really is... yep you guessed it a MUSLIM TERRORIST!
    We could get into wheather or not you have any knowledge on the subject of Muslim religion or not, but I do not know you since you remain annonymous, so it will do no good to go there.
    One more question for you though "Annonymous". When you hear, see, or read "TERRORIST", what is the first thing that pops into your head? If you can give an honest answer to that question, then step back, look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are being racist.
    Finally if you actually know Pete and still made this statement towards him, then please remain annonymous, because you are even more ignorant than I thought and I would just prefer not to ever know who you are.
    Please feel free to not visit our website in the future and to simply stay the hell out of our gym!
    Jake Juhl-owner C.F.A.
