Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday, 1/27/2017

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: Rest

Accessory Work: 3x12 kipping/ butterfly pull ups

WOD: AMRAP 7 Minutes
Open WOD 12.1


Post Total Reps!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Wednesday, 1/25/2017

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: Jerks 5x3

Accessory Work: Double Unders 3x50

WOD: For Time
50- Air Assault Bike Cal
50- Pull Ups
50- Front Squats #135/95
50- Kettles #53/35

Post time and weights

Monday, January 23, 2017

Tuesday, 1/24/2017

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: Rest

Accessory Work: Muscle Ups  5x3

21 Deadlifts (155/105#)
21 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Cal Row in time remaining
Rest 3:00

18 Deadlifts (185/135#)
18 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Cal Row in time remaining
Rest 3:00

15 Deadlifts (225/155#)
15 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Cal Row in time remaining
Rest 3:00

12 Deadlifts (275/185#)
12 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Cal Row in time remaining

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Monday, 1/23/2017

Warm up: row 1200 meters, 5 roubds of Cindy

Strength: 2x20 Push Push

Accessory Work: 3 sets of 12-15 pull ups

WOD: AMRAP 12 mins
30- air squats
12- toes to Bar

Post weight and rounds

Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday, 1/20/2017

Warm Up:choice

Strength: 3x3 thrusters 135/95

Accessory Work: pick a weakness and work 5-10 mins

27 calorie row,
27 thrusters @95/65LBS,
21 calorie row,
21 thrusters @95/65LBS,
15 calorie row,
15 thrusters @95/65LBS,
9 calorie row,
9 thrusters @95/65LBS

At start of each round calorie count must be reset on rower.

Post weight and time

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Wednesday, 1/18/2017

Warm Up: row 1500 meters

Strength: rest

Accessory Work: crossover symmetry

WOD: "Cindy"
5-pull ups
10-push ups
15- air squats

Post rounds.


Hey everyone!! 

Just want to keep you all updated on our current moving situation. 
It is official, we are moving locations. The new location will be 105 Spring Street. Directly across from the Klamath Museum. 
We are scheduled to be out of our current building by January 31st. We are shooting for a seamless transition between units to avoid any interruption of business. 
We will keep you updated as we begin the actual moving process. 
If anyone is interested in helping move or has any questions please let us know!

Tuesday, 1/17/2017

Warm Up: Bike 3 mins, 50 double unders, 40 air squats, 30 push ups

Strength: push press  set of 25 unbroken . pick a light weight

Accessory Work: work on short sets of power snatches.

WOD: 3 Rounds for time
30-Power Cleans #135/95
30- Wall Balls #20/14

Post time and workout

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday, 1/16/2017

warm up: choice

Strength: front squat 75% 4x4

Accessory Work: double unders 150 or 5 mins worth of work

WOD: for time:
-pull ups
-row for Cals

Post time and weight

Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday, 1/13/2017

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: push press 3x5

Accessory Work: 5 sets of 6 toes to bar

WOD: 10 Rounds for time
-150 meter cow
12- Wall Balls #20/14
20- Double unders

Post time and weight!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Wednesday, 1/11/2017

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: Front Squat 75% 3x3

Accessory Work: Double Unders 3 sets of 50. rest 30 seconds between

WOD: Amrap 20 mins
1- Deadlift 315/205
10- toes to bar
15 bar facing burpees

Post time and weight


Warm Up: choice

Strength: Strict press 3x7

Accessory Work: 30 pistols alternating each leg

WOD: complete for time
Row for cal
Bench press #135/95

Cap is 10 min

Post weight and time

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Monday, 1/9/2017

Warm Up: row 1500 meters

Strength: 3x10 thrusters  increase weight each set

Accessory Work: 30 chest to bars pull ups

WOD: for time
50-burpee box jumps( face the box) 24/20"
50- Cals assault bike

Post time and weight

Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday, 1/6/2017

Warm Up: choice

Strength: 3-3-3-1-1-1. Squat clean

Accessory Work: strict pull ups. Max reps 3 set

WOD: 5 rounds for time
12- burpees
35- Double Unders

Post time and lightest and heaviest weight

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Wednesday, 1/4/2017

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: Bench 4x5 increase weight each set

Accessory Work: 3 sets: 5 strict pull ups, 5 kipping pull ups and 5 butterfly pull ups.Goal is to stay on the bar till you finish butterflies. rest as needed

WOD: 7 rounds for time:
9- Ground to Overhead #95/65
15- Wall Balls #20/14
21- Double Unders

post weight and time!!  Stay safe on the roads and give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Tuesday, 1/3/2017

Warm Up: Row 500m, 3 rounds of 10 pull ups, 10 push ups and 20 air squats

Strength: Back Squats 3x5. Increase weight each set. Finish last set at 75-80%

Accessory Work: 5x7 of toes to Bar. Rest 40 secs between

WOD: For Time
Row 1000 meters
20 burpees lateral over the erg(rower)
40- thrusters #45/25

Post time and weight

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Monday, 1/2/2017

Warm Up: Row 1200 meters

Strength: Rest

Accessory Work: 200 Double Unders


Cals on Assault Bike: 10,8,6,4,2
Power Cleans: 2,4,6,8,10 #165/115
rest 3 mins  then
Cal on Assault Bike: 2,4,6,8,10
Back Squat: 10,8,6,4,2(from Floor) #165/115
Thank AJ

Post time and weight