Sunday, January 31, 2016

Monday, 2/1/2016

Just another Manic Monday!!!

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Bench 5 sets 3 reps

WOD: 5 Rounds for time
            -2 Rope Climbs
            -20 GHD Sit ups
            -15 Ball Slams 40# / 30#
            -10 Bar Dips

Post bench weight and time!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Friday, 1/29/2016

Warm up: Choice

Strength:  In WOD

              With 50% of your 1 rep max:
               AMRAP 3 minutes
               -Back Squat
               Rest 2 minutes
               AMRAP 2 minutes Back Squat
               Rest 1 minute
               AMRAP 1 minute Back Squat

Post # of Squats for each round and weight used.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wednesday, 1/27/2016

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: EMOM for 8 min 3 rep Front Squat @75% of Max

WOD: For Time complete:

           Row 1000 meters
           30-  Deadlift #225/155
           100- Air Squats

Post weight and Time on white board.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tuesday, 1/26/2016

Warm up: choice

Strength: rest

WOD: For time
            -100 hand release push ups
            -100 kettle swings 55# /35#
            -100 ab mat sit ups
            -100 ball slams 40# / 25#

Post time.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Monday, 1/25/2016

Warm Up: Dynamic

Strength: 5x5 Bench. Attempt same weights on all sets

WOD: Complete for time
          - 60 Cal on Assault Bike
          - 50 Air Squats
          - 40 Pull Ups
          - 30 Cleans #115/75
          - 20 Burpees

*Post weight and time on board


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Friday, 1/22/2016

Warm Up: Row 1500

Strength: Rest

WOD: Crossfit Open 15.1
            AMRAP 9 minutes:
            15- T2B
            10- Deadlift #115/75
             5- Snatch # 115/75
  Immediately following 15.1 complete 15.1a
              6 minute cap to establish a one rep Clean and Jerk
* scale for T2B- Knees to Elbows and if you cannot complete a snatch, do a ground to overhead.

total time is 15:00 mins of total work. If you competed in the open last year, you can get onto and look at what your score was from last year. Compare your scores.

*If possible try and get someone to judge your movements. Post rounds and weight

Thursday, 1/21/2016


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday, 1/20/2016

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  3 sets of MAX REPS pull ups.  Rest as needed

WOD:  AMRAP 12 minutes Get as far as possible in the 12 minutes
             -BOX JUMPS 24"/20"   3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-27-30-33-36
             -BURPEES                     3-3-3-  6- 6-  6-  9- 9-  9-  12-12-12

So, first round is 3 box jumps 3 burpees.  Then 6 box jumps and 3 burpees, then 9&3, then 12 box jumps and 6 burpees, 15&6, 18&6 and so on until you run out of time.

Post reps for pull ups,  furthest round completed and total reps.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Tuesday, 1/19/2016

Warm up:  Row 400m

Strength:  Front Squat 5x3

Part A:  2 rounds max effort:
              -Row 1 minute
               Rest 1 minute

Part B:  3 rounds for time:
              -25 Wall Balls Unbroken 30# / 20#
              -40 Double Unders Unbroken

               RX for Part B is total time without any breaks.
               If you break a set, you start back over at 0 reps.  Meaning if you get 30 double unders and break, then you start back at 0 double unders.

               If you cannot do double unders unbroken, then count a penalty for each broken round.  Penalty is 10 burpees.  So if you break all 3 rounds of double unders, you will owe 30 burpees at the end BEFORE the clock stops.

Post Front Squat weight, and times for Part A and Part B with penalties if any.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Monday, 1/18/2016

Warm up:  Dynamic

Strength:  In WOD

WOD:  For time
             -Deadlifts 275# / 175#
             -Back extensions
             -GHD Sit ups

Post time

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Friday, 1/15/2016

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  None

WOD:  For time
              -Row for Calories
              -Thrusters 95# / 65#

Post time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Wednesday, 1/13/2016

Warm Up: Dynamic

Strength: None

WOD: For Time:
                - 50 Burpees then
                - 50 Cals on Assault Bike

Post split and total time completed. GET AFTER IT!!! It's gonna hurt

Tuesday, 1/12/16

Warm up:  choice

Strength: none

WOD:  AMRAP 7 minutes
             -6 power cleans 155# / 95#
             -6 toes to bar
             Rest 5 minutes
             AMRAP 7 minutes
             -6 ball slams 40# / 30#
             -6 hand release pushups

Post rounds completed for both parts

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Monday, 1/11/2016

Warm up: Dynamic

Strength:  FRONT SQUATS 5x3 (5 sets of 3 reps)
                 All 5 work sets should be the same weight.

WOD:  For time:
             -60 Calorie Row
             -30 Kettle Swings 55# / 35#
             -50 Wall Balls 20# / 14#

Post Front Squat weight and time.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Friday, 1/8/2016

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Rest

WOD:  -1 Mile Run
             -1 Mile Row
             -1 Mile Ride
               If you do not want to Run do:
             -1.5 Mile Row
             -1.5 Mile Ride

Time is NOT the main goal.  Just keep the blood pumping.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Wednesday, 1/6/2015

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  In WOD

WOD:  Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes
             -2 Deadlifts 315# / 155#

Point here is to go heavy!!  Push your self!  Weights are suggestions, go heavier if you can!

Post weight used!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Tuesday, 1/5/2016

Warm up:  Row: 500m-400m-300m-200m-100m
                            Rest 60seconds between each

Strength:  Back Squat 5-4-3-2-1 work up to around 90% of max.

WOD:  Part 1:
             For time:  12-9-6-3
                              -Wall Balls 20# / 14#
                              -Toes to Bar
                              -GHD Sit ups

             Part 2:  3 Rounds EACH for time
                          -300m Row
                           Rest 60 seconds between each.

Post Squat Weight and times for Part 1 and 2.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Monday, 1/4/2016

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Bench 5-4-3-2-1 work up to around 90% of max

WOD:  For time
            Part 1:
            ROW for calories 10-8-6-4-2
            Double Unders  100-80-60-40-20
            Ride Assault Bike Caloires 10-8-6-4-2
            You will row 10 calories then do 100 double unders then ride 10 calories.  Then 8-80-8 and so on.

           Part 2:
           Row for calories 2-4-6-8-10
           Single Unders  20-40-60-80-100
           Ride Assault bike calories 2-4-6-8-10

           You will row for 2 calories then 20 single under then ride 2 calories.  Then 4-40-4 and so on.

         If you can't do double unders spend 2 minutes each round PRACTICING double unders.

Post Bench Press weight and TOTAL Time.