Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wednesday, 9/30/2015

Hopefully everyone is still functioning after AJ's birthday wod! Definitely awful as advertised!
For those who got it done, GREAT JOB!!!!

If you did the birthday wod, then today is a MOBILITY DAY!

Spend 30-45 minutes working mobility and stretching.


Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  None

WOD:  AMRAP 10 minutes
             -5 burpees
             -10 Kettle swings 55# / 35#
             -10 Ball slams 40# / 30#

Post rounds completed

Monday, September 28, 2015

Tuesday, 9/29/2015


Another birthday wod!!

Today is AJ's 34th birthday and all of us know AJ and know that he tends to like to "GO BIG OR GO HOME"!!!!

AJ has requested a partner WOD that he himself wrote up!  So find a partner and get after it!!!

If you don't have a partner, the modified WOD is below.

This workout LOOKS NASTY!!! And it WILL BE NASTY!
BUT it will not take as long as it looks!!!

Partners:  "AJ"

                                    Run 1 mile

Then without resting:  
                                    PHASE 1:  60 Back Squats as a team
                                                              RX = 185# / 105#
                                                              Level 2 = 165# / 95#
                                                              Level 1 = 135# / 75#
                                                         12 Rope Climbs
                                                               RX and Level 2 = Regular rope
                                                                             Level 1 = Knotted rope
                                                          One person squats while the other climbs the ropes!
                                                          Can break this up however you want as long as both people are working at the same time.

                                   PHASE 2:  50 Pullups One person works, while one rests.
                                                      100 Partner weighted ab mat sit ups with slam balls done together.
                                                             Pass ball to partner at the top of the sit up!
                                                             RX = 40# / 30#
                                                             Level 2 = 30# / 20#
                                                             Level 1 = 20# / 15#

                                   PHASE 3:  2 Rounds each
                                                      Sled Push
                                                            RX =100m (50 down and back) 360# men 200# women
                                                            Level 2 = 100m 270# men 150# women
                                                            Level 1 = 50m 180# men 100# women
                                                            Men use 45# plates for sled women use 25#
                                                      Max rep power cleans
                                                            RX = 185# / 115#
                                                            Level 2 = 155# / 95#
                                                            Level 1 = 135# / 75#
                                                      Each partner will push the sled twice!  While one partner pushes the sled the other partner is doing power cleans.

                                   PHASE 4:  400m Front rack walking lunge
                                                                RX and Level 2 = 45# / 25#
                                                                             Level 1 = no weight
                                                                200m run
                                                                 RX and Level 2 = with jump rope
                                                                              Level 1 = just run without rope
                                                     while 1 partner is doing lunges, the other partner is running 200m.  When partner finishes run, switch.  Repeat until you have covered 400m of lunges as a team.
                                                     Bar never touches ground!!
                                                     10 push ups every time the bar is put on the ground,.

Cash out 34 burpees each!

If you don't have a partner, use the same weights as above, but do the following

Run 1 mile
Phase 1:
30 back squats
 6 rope climbs
break up however you want

Phase 2:
25 pullups
50 weighted ab mat sit ups

Phase 3:
2 rounds
Sled push with weights from above
5 power cleans with weigh from above

Phase 4:
100m run with jump rope
200m front rack walking lunge
100m run with jump rope

cash out 34 burpees

Post time and totals for everything! With a great big thank you to AJ.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Monday, 9/28/2015

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  None

WOD:  For Time:
             -Row 10K
             -Ride 20K

            Level 1 and Level 2
            -Row 5K
            -Ride 20K

Post time.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Friday, 9/25/2015

Happy Birthday Melissa!!!!

Melissa's birthday was on the rest day, so it is here for Friday!
She is 31!!!!

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  None

WOD:  Happy b-day Melissa!
             For time:
             -31 calories on assault bike
             -9 Pull ups
             -25 Burpees
             -31 Push ups
             -9 Burpee Broad Jumps
             -25 Kettle swings 55# / 35#
             -31 Air Squats
             -31 calories on assault bike

Post time and Happy Birthday to Melissa!

Thursday, 9/24/2015

Rest day!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Wednesday, 9/23/2015

Happy Birthday Brian Palmer!!! Brians birthday was yesterday, but we found out late so we are getting it in for today!
Brian is now 38, but according to Jantz he looks like a 20 year old B!%$#

This ones for you Brian!

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  None

WOD:  Happy Birthday Brian
             Buy In 38 burpees
               3 rounds of:
             -9 Hang Power Cleans 155# / 95#
             -22 Pull ups
             -Run 200m
              Cash out 20 burpees

Post time and birthday wishes to Brian!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Tuesday, 9/22/2015

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Bench Press 3 sets 10 reps

WOD:  On the minute every minute:
             -7 Kettle swings 55# / 35#
             With remainder of minute
             -Row as many calories as possible
              Continue until you get to 100 calories rowed!

Example:  First minute
                 7 kettle swings then you get 6 calories on the rower
                 Start kettles again at the start of the next minute

Post weight for Bench and time for the WOD.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Monday, 9/21/2015

Warm up:  Dynamic

Strength:  Back Squat 3 sets 5 reps (3 works sets at same weight!) Try to go heavier than last monday on the sets of 8.

WOD:  For time:
             -Calories on Assault bike
             -Stationary lunge steps with weight overhead locked out. 25# / 15#
             -Ab mat sit ups

Post squat weight and time for wod.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Friday, 9/18/2015

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  None

WOD:  3 Rounds EACH for time:
             -Run 200m
             -Row 500m
             -Ride 1600m (1 mile)
             Rest 5 minutes between each round.

Post time for each round.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015



Wanting to remind everyone that it is that time of year again.  With school starting the athletes from OIT will be in the gym again!  The times that the teams will be in are as follows:

Monday:  6:15-7:30 am BASEBALL
                7:00-8:00 pm Womens Golf

Tuesday:  7:00-8:00 am Mens Golf

Wednesday:  6:15-7:30 am BASEBALL
                      7:00-8:00 pm Womens Golf

Thursday: 7:00-8:00 am Mens Golf
Friday:  6:15-7:30 am BASEBALL

For the times that the Baseball team will be in, there will not be much room in the gym to workout.  There will be 40+ players working out at this time.

For the times that the golf teams are in, the gym will be open as normal.  These teams are small and will not require much space.

If you normally come in between 6:15-7:30 am, you will need to adjust your schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thursday, 9/17/2015


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Wednesday, 9/16/2015

Warm up:  Run, ride, or row 10 minutes

Strength:  Rest

WOD:  Complete for time:
                    -50 Push ups
                    -50 Pull ups
                    -50 Bar Dips
                    -50 Supine Ring Pull ups
                    -50 Push ups
           Every time a set is broken, DO 7 AB MAT SIT UPS BEFORE CONTINUING.

           Example:  If you start of and get 20 push ups and break, do 7 ab mats then continue with push ups doing 7 sit ups every break until you get to 50.  Then move on and do the same with each movement after that

          LEVEL 2:
                    -30 Of each instead of 50

          LEVEL 1:
                    -20 Of each

Post time and # of sit ups completed.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Tuesday, 9/15/2015

Warm up: Choice

Strength:  In WOD

WOD:  For time:
             -Power Cleans
             -Hand Release Push ups
             -Ab Mat Sit ups
             RX = 75% Body Weight on Cleans
             Level 2 = 65% Body Weight
             Level 1 = 50% Body Weight

Post weight and time.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Monday, 9/14/2015

Warm up:  Dynamic

Strength:  Back Squat 3 sets 8 reps.
                GO HEAVY!!!!
                Rest 4 minutes between sets

WOD:  4 rounds for time:
             -Row 250 meters
             -10 Box jumps
             -20 GHD sit ups
             -20 Wall balls 20# / 14#
             -50 Double unders

Post Squat weight and time.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Friday, 9/11/2015

Remembering September 11, 2001
2,977 people died not including the animals that carried out the attacks.
Suck it up today and be thankful for all that you have and be mindful of those who have been lost.

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  NONE

WOD:  For time:
             Buy in 1,488 meter row
             9 Rounds
             -11 Kettle Swings 55#/35#
             -11 Push ups
             -11 Ball Slams 50#/40#
             -11 Ab Mat Sit Ups
             Cash out 1,489 meter row

Total meters rowed will be 2.977.  1 for every person who died in the attacks!

Post time.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wednesday, 9/9/2015

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  In Wod

WOD:  For time:
              -Bench Press
              -Pull ups

             Bench Weights
             Rx:       = Body Weight
             Level 2 = 80% Body Weight
             Level 1 = 60% Body Weight

Post weight and time.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Tuesday, 9/8/2015

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  In WOD

WOD:  For time
             -Knees to elbows

             Deadlift weights:
             RX = 1.5 x body weight
             Level 2 = 1.25 x body weight
             Level 1 = body weight

Post weight and time.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Friday, 9/4/2015

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  Rest

WOD:  Every 3 minutes for 30 minutes:
             Minute 1: 10 Push ups
                              10 Wall Balls 30# / 20#
             Minute 2: 10 Ab mat sit ups
                              10 Ball Slams 50# / 40#
             Minute 3:  5 Burpees

             Level 2:
             Minute 1: 10 Push ups
                              10 Wall Balls 20# / 14#
             Minute 2: 10 Ab mat situ ps
                              10 Ball Slams 40# / 30#
             Minute 3:  5 Burpees

            Level 1:
            Minute 1: 7 Push ups
                             7 Wall Balls 14# / 10#
            Minute 2: 7 Ab Mat sit ups
                             7 Ball Slams 25# / 15#
            Minute 3: 5 Burpees

This will be 10 rounds of the 3 minute cycles.

If you fail to get all the reps in the minute, count a penalty and move on to the next minute.
At the end of the workout:
Ride 5 calories on Assault bike for every penalty.

Post Level choice and # of penalties.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wednesday, 9/2/2015

Warm up:  Choice

Strength:  In wod

WOD:  For time:
             Complete 100 power cleans and after every 10 reps do 10 toes to bar before continuing.

 In other words:
             10 rounds for time of:
              -10 Power Cleans
              -10 Toes to Bar
              RX = 185# / 135# with Toes to bar
              Level 2 = 155# / 95# with Toes to bar
              Level 1 = 135# / 75# with knees to elbows
Post time and weight used.