Friday, April 29, 2016

Charity Guns & Hoses Basketball Game

Come out and watch some basketball as your local firefighters and law enforcement officers go head to head. The game is being held at Triad High School at 7pm, April 30th (Saturday)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Friday, 4/29/2016

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: 3x3 strict Press

Accessory Work: 20 ab mat sit ups, 20 GHD, 20 T2B

WOD: Death By 10 Meters 

With a continuously running clock: row 10 meters the first minute, row 20 meters the 2nd minute, 30 meters at the 3rd minute…. continue until you cannot complete the distance within the minute.

Thursday, 4/28/2016

rest day

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wednesday, 4/27/2016

Warm Up: Run 1 mile, 30 Ab Mats, 20 Kettle swings( light weight)

Strength: None

Accessory Work: 2 sets max reps toes to bar

WOD: "Christine"
          3 Rounds for time
         Row 500 Meters
         12- Deadlift @body weight
         21-Box Jumps #20/24

Post Time and weight used on DL

Monday, April 25, 2016

Tuesday, 4/25/2016

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: Bench Press 5x3

Accessory Work: Overhead squat positioning

WOD: For Time:
Ring Dips
Overhead Squats #65/115

Post Time and weight

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Monday, 4/25/2016

Warm Up: Ride or row 100 cals, 25 feet of inch worms, 15 push ups, 10 thrusters #35/45

Strength: Rest

Accessory work: 25 Ab Mats, 25 T2B, 25 Back Ext.

WOD: Fun Ladder in 12 minutes or when you finish
10- Squat Cleans #95/135
15- Burpees
8 - Squat Cleans #105/155
15- Burpees
6 - Squat Cleans #125/185
15- Burpees
4 -Squat Cleans #145/205
2 - Squat Cleans #165/225

If scaling remember your last set of 2 cleans should be hard. For whatever weight you start with on set 10 increase by 20 pounds each set of cleans. only increase third round with 15 pounds.

TIME CAP OF 12:00 minutes

Post time and ending weight.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Friday, 4/22/2016

Warm Up: Row 1000m, 25 air squats, 15 kettles (#32) and 10 push ups

Strength: Back Squat 2x20 (the weight should be enough to make the last 5 reps hard.)

Accessory Work: 50 ab mat sit ups

WOD: For Time
   50-Pull Ups
   50-Box Jumps 20/24
   50-Cal on Assault Bike

Post weight and Time

Thursday, 4/21/2016


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wednesday, 4/20/16

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: Deadlift 5x3. @90%. Warm up sets does not count as 1 or 2 sets of your working sets of 3.

Accessory Work: None. If you choose a movement, spend no more than 10 minutes of skill work.

WOD: Complete:
          -Run 1 mile.(this should be as fast as you can go.)
          -Rest half the time it took you to complete your mile run. Then complete for Time
          -50 Toes to Bar.

Post time of mile and time it took to complete T2B.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Tuesday, 4/19/2016

Warm Up:3 rounds: Run 200, 5 strict pull ups, 25 feet inchworms

Strength: Rest

Accessory Work: Pistols squats 10 mins.

WOD: For Time

50- Pull Ups
50-Push Ups
75-Ab Mat Sit Up
100- Double Unders
1:00 minute ME calls on Assault bike.

Post overall time and and calls completed. There is no rest from Double Unders into the Assault bike. NO SINGLES!! work skill to at least 50 double unders.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Monday, 4/18/2016

Warm Up: 2 Rounds Ride Assault bike for 3 minutes, 30 GHD's, Row 3 minutes

Strength: 3-3-3-1-1-1 Overhead Squat.

Accessory Work: 10 minutes of Muscle Ups skill/drill.

WOD: 3 rounds of

Run 600m.
Rest time it took to run 600
Run 400m
Rest time it took to run 400
Run 200m
Rest 4 mins then restart runs at 600m.

Post times on board.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday, 4/15/2016

Warm up: choice

Strength: 3x3 back squat. 3x2 back squat. Sets of two should be heavier than your set of 3's.

Accessory work: accumulate up to 2:00 mins of a handstand hold using a wall.

WOD: 3 rounds of:
20- row for calories
30- double unders
40- air squats

Post time

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Wednesday, 4/13/2016

Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 15 Air Squats, 25 feet of inch worms (Click here for demo) 10 Back extensions( nice and slow to get blood flowing through hamstrings)

Strength: Bench Press 3x5  70-75%

Accessory Work: 50-Ab Mat Sit Ups

WOD: "Helen"
3 Rounds For Time

-Run 400 meters
21- Kettles #35/53
12- Pull Ups

*Post Time. This is a Benchmark Workout. If you want your name on the record board, a trainer must be present and judging your movements. GOOD LUCK!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tuesday, 4/12/2016

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: In Wod

Accessory Work: 4 sets of Max Effort of Toes to Bar (rest 1-2 minutes between) Work 5-10 minutes of jerk movement.

Deadlift- 3-3-3-1-1-1 Go for a max if you're feeling good. At least attempt to be within 10 pounds           of PR

Rest as needed

Clean & Jerk- 3-3-3-1-1-1 Go for a max if you're feeling good. At least attempt to be within 10 pounds  of PR

Post heaviest weight for both movements.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Monday, 4/11/2016

Warm Up:  2 rounds: Assault Bike x20, Pull Ups x7,  Push Ups x10

Strength: Front Squat 10x3  HEAVY then
               3x20 GHD's rest 1:00 min between

Accessory: 3 sets of max reps of HSPU

WOD: Complete for max reps:

5 Mins of: Max calories on Row
Rest 30 Seconds for transition

4 Mins of: Max Kettles #35/53
Rest 30 Seconds for transition

3 Mins of: Max Wall Balls #14/20
Rest 30 Seconds for transition

2 Mins of: Air Squats
Rest 30 Seconds for transition

1 Min of: Max Double Unders
(NO SINGLES) it's only a minute

Post reps for each movement

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Friday, 4/8/2016

Warm Up:3 rounds of: 5 strict pull ups, 10 ab mats, 15 Air squats...

Strength: Complex of: 5 sets, 1 Squat Clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Jerk = equals on set. Try to add weight on last set for Max Effort.

Accessory Work: Muscle Up work. Spend no more than 15 minutes of skill. Work some drills. Muscle Up Progression

WOD: Complete for Time:

           - Row 1000 meters
           - Run 800 meters
           - 60  Double Unders
           - 40  Goblet Squats (Demo)
           - 20  Burpees
           - 10  Handstand Push Ups
** sub HSPU for 30 push ups.

Post Time!!  Enjoy the Sun

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Wednesday, 4/6/2016

Warm Up: 3 rounds: 15 Back Ext, 15 Ab Mat Sit Ups, 15 Push Press 45/35, 15 cal Row

Strength: 5x3 Bench Press. Same weight. Try and bump the weight up on last set. GO HEAVY!!

Accessory Work: 3 Sets of: 60 seconds handstand holds against the wall. Accumulative time to 60 sec if you need to break.

WOD: For Time:

 -50 Ball Slams #25/40
 - 100 Meter Farmers Carry #53/70
 -30 Ball Slams #25/40
 - 100 Meter Farmers Carry #53/70
-10 Ball Slams #25/40
 - 100 Meter Farmers Carry #53/70

Post Time on Board

Monday, April 4, 2016

Tuesday, 4/5/2016

Warm Up: choice

Strength: 5x5 Deadlift at 75%. Use same weight.

WOD:  3 rounds each for time.
            Run 800 meters

           Rest 5 minutes between each run.

Post Times on board.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Monday, 4/3/2016

Warm Up: Row 1500 meters then stretch

Strength: Back Squat  10(sets) by 3(reps) at 75% of your 1 rep (rest no more than 3 minutes between sets)  then 3x20 of GHD's after you complete all sets of squats.

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
          - 25 Wall Balls #20/14
          - 25 Power Snatches #75/45

If you don't feel comfortable substitute Snatches for Clean and Jerks(#135/95)

Post Time