Sunday, October 31, 2010


Front Squat 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Gymnastics Skill Work 20 minutes

Complete 5 rounds for time:

20 Overhead Walking Lunges w/ 45 lbs plate (10 each leg)
10 90 degree rotational box jumps (right & left counts as one rep) 20 inch box
10 Strict Pull Ups
Rest 45 seconds between rounds
*On lunge, back knee has to touch the ground (be careful to just "kiss" the ground) to be counted.
*For rotational box jumps, start by facing the box, jump and rotate to the right 90 degrees landing on the box. Step down and jump again, this time rotating 90 degrees to the left landing on the box. One jump to the right and one to the left counts as one rep. Start and land in a good athletic position.

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