Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wednesday, 3/28/2012

Warm up: Work on some dynamics with some gymnastic work i.e. handstand pushups, plank work, muscle ups etc etc

Strength: In WOD

WOD: For time
-Back Squat 225#/155#
-Kettle Swings 70#/55#

Post time.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Tuesday, 3/27/2012

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: In WOD

WOD: For Time
-21 Bench Press - 225 lbs
-42 Supine Ring Pull Ups
-15 Bench Press - 225 lbs
-30 Supine Ring Pull Ups
-9 Bench Press - 225 lbs
-18 Supine Ring Pull Ups
Scale as needed, but keep in mind this is supposed to be heavy. For most of you, use your 3 sets of 5 workout weight.

Post time.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monday, 3/26/2012

Warm up: Run or Ride

Strength: Power Clean
Move 2.000# in the least number of sets possible. Power cleans are touch and go. If hands come off the bar at any point, that ends the set there. Example, if you have 200# and can do two sets of 5 reps, your score is 2. If you do 5 sets of 2, your score is 5.
Rest no longer than 30 seconds between sets.

WOD: 21-15-9
Ball Slams 40#/25#
Kettle Swings 70#/55#

Post power clean weight and score, and time.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Friday, 3/23/2012

Warm up: Choice

Strength: Rest

WOD: From the open, As many reps as possible in 12 minutes
-150 wall balls 20# men 15# women
-90 double unders
-30 muscle ups

Get as far as you can in the 12 minutes. If you make it to the muscle ups, do your best to get 1.

Post total reps completed.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wednesday, 3/21/2012

Warm up: Choice

Strength: Bench 7 sets 1 rep

WOD: 5 Rounds for time
-Row 500m
-21 Kettle Swings 55#/35#
-12 Pull Ups

Post time and bench weight.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tuesday, 3/20/2012

Warm up: Run, row, or ride

Strength: Squat 3 sets 10 reps as heavy as possible

WOD: "VIOLATED" for time
20 Thrusters 135#/95#
20 Box Jumps 24"/18"
50 Lunge Steps
50' broad jumps (8 6' jumps or 10 5' jumps)
20 Wall Ball Shots 20#/10#
20 Box Jumps 24"/18"
50 Lunge Steps
50' Broad Jumps
20 Deadlift 135#/95#
20 Box Jumps 24"/18"
50 Lunge Steps
50' Broad Jumps

Post squat weight and time. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monday, 3/19/2012

Warm up: Choice

Strength: Press 5 sets 3 reps

WOD: For Time
-20 Burpees
-30 Squat Cleans 135#/95#
-20 Burpees

Post Press weight and time.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Friday, 3/16/2012

Warm up: Choice

Strength: Rest

WOD: From the CrossFit Open. 12.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
-15 Box jumps, 24"/18"
-115#/75# Push press, 12 reps
-9 Toes-to-bar

Post rounds completed.

Thursday, 3/15/2012


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wednesday, 3/14/2012

Warm Up: Dynamic with extra Stretching

Strength: Bench 3 sets 5 reps

WOD: 10 minutes row, ride, or run at an easy pace
followed by
10 minutes stretching

Post bench weight

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tuesday, 3/13/2012

Warm up: Choice

Strength: Rest

WOD: For time and Reps: Start the big clock on tabata intervals and start a stopwatch at the same time. Keep track of reps for all tabata intervals and overall time.

-8 rounds of tabata air squats
-50 box jumps 24"/18"
-8 rounds of tabata push ups
-50 wall ball shots 20#/10#
-8 rounds of tabata ab mat sit ups
-50 split squat jumps alternating 5 each leg until 50

Post reps and time

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Monday, 3/12/2012

Warm Up: Run

Strength: Squat 3 sets 20 reps

WOD: For Time: 40-30-20-10
-Ball Slams 40#/25#
-Double Unders
-Pull Ups

Post squat weight and time

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Friday, 3/09/2012

Warm up: Run 1 mile

Strength: Deadlift 3 sets 5 reps

WOD: For Time
20, 15, 10, 5 reps of:
Dumbbell Thrusters 45#each / 25#each
Knees to Elbows

Post dead-lift weight and time

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wednesday, 3/7/2012

Warm Up: Dynamic

Strength: Squat 5 sets 3 reps

WOD: Five Rounds for time of:
-Row 300m or ride aerodyne 1/2 mile
-15 Box Jumps 20"/12"

Post squat weight and time

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tuesday, 3/6/2012

Warm Up: Row 1600m or Ride 2 miles on Aerodyne

Strength: Rest

WOD: For Time
-Power Cleans 185#/135#
-Strict Pull Ups
-True Push Ups
If you have to scale the power cleans, make sure you don't go too light. These are supposed to be heavy!

Post Time

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Monday, 3/05/2012

Warm up: Choice

Strength: Rest

WOD: Partner WOD! With a partner alternate reps and complete for time
5 Rounds
-20 Ball Slams 40#/25#
-20 True Push Ups
-20 Ab Mat Sit Ups
-20 Burpees
-20 Pull ups (Scale with Jumping Pull ups if needed)

Post time

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Friday, 3/02/2012

Warm Up: Choice

Strength: Bench 5 sets 3 reps

WOD: For time:
50 double unders
10 burpees
40 double unders
10 burpees
30 double unders
10 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
10 burpees

Post Bench Weight and Time