Happy Birthday ANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warm up: As a Birthday present to one of our favorite people, the warm up for today will be:
51 Burpees!!! Hoooorrrrraaaayyyy Burpees! 51 for Ann!
Strength: Rest
WOD: "500" Revisited with a twist.
Complete 10 rounds for time!
-20 Double Unders
-12 Wall Balls
-12 Box Push Ups
-6 Pull ups
This will end up being 500 reps just as last week.
Post time and thoughts about the differences from today and last week. Harder?? Easier? Just plain suck????
This weeks 500 was easier than last weeks by far. I think because I just do better with the cardio and since it was broken into sets and rounds it doesn't tire you out as fast as when you max out each set. Last week was more of a strength workout which really tested me becuase it's not my strong point.