Monday, January 3, 2011

Tuesday, 1/04/2010

Warm up:  Ride Bike for 12 minutes

Strength:  Bench 3 sets of 20 @ 155# Up 10# from 12/21

WOD:  AMRAP 30 Minutes of:
             -7 Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls 95#/65#
             -7 Box Push Ups
             -7 Pullups
             -7 Push Press 135#/95#
             -7 Burpees

Post weight for Bench and rounds completed!


  1. Thursday's WOD for time:
    -Beaten to death with a stick x3
    -Walk barefoot on broken glass 100m x3
    -Walk up to a platoon of Marines, slap each one on the ass and say, "Encouragement" while wearing a speedo x3
    -Chase Jake's ass down and beat him (for making me feel like this) x3

    Wow, glad I'm done. Afternoon crew good luck!

  2. "the princess"January 04, 2011

    Awweee! I miss my REEEAL family! Love you guys! I hope you all have an awesome New Year! Can someone come kidnap me?
